
8 seasons

Watch it for...

The chance to vicariously join a group of funny close friends living in Los Angeles as they experience the highs-and-lows of life together!


Girlfriends, a sitcom from the early 2000s that follows five close friends living in Los Angeles, is one of those shows that you can keep coming back to for comfort, fun, and friendship. Throughout the seasons, each of the four “girlfriends”—Joan, a lawyer; Toni, a real estate agent; Maya, a writer; and Lynn, a musician—experiences a variety of personal challenges, including career setbacks, family drama, relationship issues, and more. They lean on each other for support, sharing many laughs, tears, and heart-to-hearts. As they catch up on their love lives or their careers over wine in glamorous L.A. restaurants, viewers watch as each character grows and changes throughout the seasons while providing plenty of laughter and valuable insights into life.

Destiny's thoughts

I love Girlfriends and can watch it constantly! It’s one of those comfort sitcoms that's endlessly quotable, keeps me laughing, and has some great life lessons. I connect so strongly to this show because I see myself in a lot of the characters. I can relate to Maya, who wants to pursue her dreams of being a published author but feels like she isn't good enough (in many parts of her life!). I completely understand Joan’s desire to always be in control and have everything be perfect. But what really drew me in was the important issues the show tackles. These friends have honest conversations about gender, race, and class in a compassionate way that I don’t see often on other shows. Girlfriends wasn't afraid to address the difficult conversations that we need to have as a society, and does it with a lot of heart and humor. Girlfriends also portrays female friendships so well, and seeing the bond between Lynn, Joan, Maya, and Toni reminds us why our friendships are so important. It’s a show I highly recommend to women looking for a show that's funny, meaningful, and inspiring.


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