Taylor Tomlinson: Look at You

1 hour

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The belly laughs that come from the painful recognition of yourself in Taylor Tomlinson’s insightful and sharp comedy special about mental health!


In her most recent special, Look at You, Taylor Tomlinson follows up and deepens the topics she touched on in her critically-acclaimed debut special, Quarter-Life Crisis. From break-ups to bangs to therapy, Taylor thoughtfully reflects on her own mental health journey and the stigma around diagnoses—with some well-placed punchlines—and, as a twenty-something millennial herself, is able to talk about dating, grief, and living in the world as a woman today with humor and grace. Her trademark confidence on the stage and her carefully honed comedy shouldn’t be missed!

Antoinette's thoughts

If you’ve ever struggled with mental illness or insecurity in relationships, Taylor Tomlinson’s vulnerable standup will help you to laugh through the pain and embarrassment of it all! In Look at You, Taylor bravely shares her hilarious and intimate anecdotes from her therapy sessions and past relationships in a way that many of us can relate to. I watched this special while my boyfriend worked in the next room, and I found myself laughing so loud at the familiarities of Tomlinson’s experiences and observations that he came to see what the fuss was about: her sabotaging self-fulfilling prophecies, her fear of becoming a couple that settles for the sake of settling, her childhood traumas that are unveiled through relationship insecurities
the list goes on and on.  


I realize these could all be considered “darker” topics, but Tomlinson manages to tell her stories in a comforting way that allows her audience to discover the refreshing humor in it all. Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, many of us often struggle with dilemmas similar to Taylor Tomlinson’s and her special serves as a tasteful reminder and remedy to feeling alone in our experiences.